- Log in or register using your name, mobile number, or social media accounts
- Enter your location details to view a list of nearby restaurants, then select the restaurant that suits you
- Choose the meals you want to order and proceed with payment
- Track your delivery and receive notifications when your order is on its way
- Log in or register using your name, mobile number, or social media accounts
- Receive order requests by setting your online availability
- Arrive at the restaurant, pick up the delivery, and proceed to the designated destination for the delivery
- Complete the delivery and start earning
- Provide your email, or mobile number and login as a company
- Register Your Service Providers
- Manage the activities of your users and service providers
- Make huge profits
- Enter your login credentials, including your username and password
- Access your restaurant dashboard to manage your menu, orders, and other settings
- Update your restaurant profile with the latest information and photos
- Monitor and process incoming orders from customers
- Stay connected with your customers and grow your business through our platform
- Provide your organization name, email address and mobile number
- Provide corporate rides to your employees
- Keep track of the activities of your Employees
- Start making money
- Login as Hotel with the name of your hotel, email address
- Start providing Taxi ride services to tourists living in your hotel directly from the website
- Keep track of all the services
- Start making money